Wednesday, February 1, 2012

V-Day Scavenger Hunt

I wanted to share what I am doing this Valentine's Day for my other half. He is really hard to find gifts for so I went a different route and made him a

14-Day Valentine's Scavenger Hunt!

This morning was the first day of it, and so far so good. I got most of my ideas from which I gathered up on my Valentine's Day board. I mostly just used the pictures for ideas though since most of the ideas didn't exactly fit in with my specific needs or level of craftiness (which is virtually nonexistent.) 

Day 1

SUPER easy! I made a "lovechain" and embedded a secret message in it that gave him his next clue for the hunt.

 I strung in up in his car the night before so when he got up for work it would be waiting for him. It went over the rear view mirror, hung across to the hand grip above the passenger side window, and over the back of the passenger chair, then back again to the rear view mirror. I also left THIS LETTER since it was the first day and I figured I should introduce the game to him so he didn't just throw away my chain. 

Supplies you will need:
Construction Paper
Ruler (optional)

Step 1. Cut your construction paper in half "hotdog style." (Is it bad that I feel that is the BEST way to describe it?)  Then cut into strips as illustrated in the image below. 

If you use one inch strips, each piece of paper will make 11 hearts. 

Step 2. Writing the message. It is easier to write the message before you start stapling but I didn't think of that until after I stapled. It can be done either way. 

I used 2 shades of blue paper for my regular hearts and then I mixed in strips of red and on the red is where I wrote the words to my message. 

As you can see... I made my initial STARTing heart solid red so it would stand out. You might want to put an arrow so the person knows what direction to read the message. After that I only used one strip of red in the hearts to put the words on. 

Step 3. Stapling. All you have to do after that is take two strips of paper and staple one end together. 

Then bend the paper back on itself. 

This will create the heart look. 
Next staple two more strips of paper to the ends of it to secure the heart shape.

And just keep folding it over on itself and stapling 2 strips at a time to the chain.

(Excuse the poor pictures. I was lazy and used my phone this time.)

If you use this idea, I'd love for you to share how you used it and pictures! 


  1. This is cute! I want to try and make one with tiny hearts, like sticky-note size :)

    1. Oh I LOVE all things mini! Let me know how it turns out!
