Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 4 - Candy

I haven't done anything edible yet in my scavenger hunt so today I am incorporating some chocolatey goodness. I may or may not have already eaten almost half of the package. They are individually wrapped! How could I not?

The Goods:
Construction Paper
Sandwich Bag
Picture Cutouts
Stickers (optional)
Cardboard (optional)

First: Cut Outs

You are going to need to find some cutouts that you want for your candies. Make sure they are small enough to fit on the candy. I found these Star Wars ones on google.

Next you will want to cut out your background for your picture  (slightly larger than your picture cutout). It is easiest if you measure the candy and make a template on a piece of cardboard or paper. Then you can just trace it on your construction paper and cut it out.

Second: Glueing

Glue your picture onto its background, and then the background to the candy. Make sure none of the glue can touch the actual candy or seep through the wrapper. 

Then I flipped the candies over and put heart stickers on them so that they had a more "Valentiny" feel. 

Third: Sealing the Deal

To finish up I put the candies (and my next clue) in a baggie. I used the one from my stickers but a sandwich bag would work just fine. Then I closed the top of the bag with some some cardboard that I cut from the puzzle box that I used on Day 5. 

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