Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 2

For Day 2 of this Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt I am leaving a note in the mail box. He is expecting it to come WITH our mail so not until the afternoon. I was planning on putting it in there for him to find first thing in the morning but now I'm going to wait.

I made a pop-up card that felt like it took me FOREVER! But that is because I haven't done this stuff since elementary school and with a toddler wanting to help, well that just adds hours.

What you need:

Construction paper
Ribbon (optional)
Little men (optional)

Step 1: Cutting. First you want to cut your paper to the size card you want it to be. Make sure it is even when you fold it in half. 


Then cut out your fire. 
(That's what fire looks like for non-artsy people
    in case you didn't know.)

Cut out some small thin strips of paper (mine were about 1/2"x 3"). You will need enough for at least one strip per fire cutout. Depending on the size of your fire, you might need more than one to support it. 

Step 2: Folding

Fold each strip of paper so that it is like a zig-zag. 

I wanted my fire to be attached to the paper on the bottom so it seemed to be coming from the ground up and not just floating so I folded a small ledge at the bottom of my fire so I could glue it down. 

Step 4: Glueing

Glue your fire to your card. Make sure when folded down, it fits inside your card.
Then glue one side of the zig-zag strip to the fire, and the other to the card behind the fire. 
Keep doing this until all your fire is attached to your card.
Wait for everything to completely dry before putting closing it.

Step 5: Message

The last thing I did was write my riddle on some cut-outs that I attempted to make look like smoke (and not like clouds or quote bubbles.) I wrote my message on them, and then attached them to the top of the card using the same steps I did above except with no ledge glued down so they DID look like they were floating. 

Then I took the finished card
And I secured the two little men I had left over from Day 3's project and kept it shut with some black ribbon. 

Tomorrow it shall be put in position in the mail box. 

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