Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 3

This is one of my less-crafty, more cheesy days. I made a little fire-fighting scene in a box. It will be left in the fire place to be found.

What I used:
  1. Cardboard box (roughly shoe box size)
  2. Firemen 
  3. Glue
  4. Construction Paper
  5. Scissors
  6. Marker

I got all this in one package
 at the dollar store.

This little guy is my favorite : )

First thing I did was cut 2 of the flaps from the bottom of my box and used them to make my building. All I did was fold them and glue them in place. 

Next I cut up a bunch of "fire" and glued it all around my building, similar to the same way I did on Day 2. 

To finish it off I drew some roads on the bottom of the box with a marker, wrote "You" and "Me" on the building (So it would be like our love was on "fire"...haha.)

Finally I overwhelmed the scene with a bunch of my little men to show that even with that many guys, the fire still couldn't be tamed between us (like I said, one of my cheesier days!)

Now, as for the  CLUE...

You will need:

Little Car
Foam Heart Sticker (optional)

I asked Will, my scavenger hunt seeker, if he thought the first clue I gave on Day 1 was difficult. He said it was really easy so I told him I was going to make the rest more challenging. He told me to bring it on, so... thats what I'm doing. I make this clue a bit harder.
So here is the note I will be leaving. That is the only hint he is getting this time. 

I will be attaching it to this cute little car (that  I also got at the dollar store) and then placing it "hidden from sight" inside the building from my fire 
scene, as the clue from Day 2 says.

This note will lead him  (if he figures out the clue) to our garage, where the next clue will be hidden under the SPARE tire : )

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