Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 5 -Wine

So, since the clue on Day 5 will lead my hunter here...

I knew my clue had to be small.
I just so happened to have the PERFECT thing that will coordinate perfectly right into Day 6. 

I took one of the "bullets" from the nerf gun I got at the dollar store, and hid it in the middle wine bottle.

What I used:
  1.  Wine bottle
  2. "bullet" 
  3. Thread
  4. Needle
  5. Paper
  6. Pen
  7. Measuring tape

Because Will (my seeker) is a big gun person, I wanted to do this properly. So with the help of a dear friend, I was able to come up with the clue. It is simple and it will lead him to his gun room where he keeps all the ammo.

Then I rolled the note up and put it inside my "bullet". 

Now, I wanted my clue to be WELL hidden so what I did was suspend it in the wine bottle so it was hanging behind the front label.

That way it he would actually have to move stuff to see it in there.
                             No freebees in this hunt!

All secure, like it's not even there : )